Interim Report from State Pension Age Review

State Pension Age Review
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6 Responses

  1. ermine says:

    Thanks for this summary. I too was surprised at the fact this didn’t support the media reports of the evil baby boomers eating their children, at least in respect of the State Pension. And indeed the hypothesis that future generations would benefit more from the SP, although it is accepted that at typical 8% rates of auto-enrolment they will need it more relative to their private pensions.

    And the shift towards longer working lives, although perhaps distorted in the 1990s by large companies culling a lot of what they saw as dead wood by offering voluntary early retirement and early pension payments.

  2. Erith says:

    Hi Mike, I’m new to this blogging game….
    However, I do have first hand knowledge of the pension position for those women aged are now 60+ but who suddenly found they had to be 66 to get their state pension. I was born in Aug 1955, not quite as bad as those born in Apr 1954, but close.
    I was also one of those who found themselves on the wrong side of the ‘contracted out’ divide. With the result that despite 38 years of NI contributions, my pension forecast was only £116. I heard a Radio 4 program about a year ago, which said, even though I was retired, I could pay back extra years NI. I rang NI, who said, I couldn’t get a decision until April 2016 because of the change in rules. I finally got round to it on 1 Sept. I agreed to ‘pay back’ 4 years of NI since my retirement in 2011, with an expected £16 p.w. increase, for a cost of £2,650. Good value really – yes I have to live to 70+, but there’s a fair chance of that.
    I’m still waiting! – the story is documented on
    When I eventually find out the status, I’ll post a comment here.

    • Erith says:

      Well, I had a reply from NI this morning. I now have 42 qualifying years instead of 38 years, correctly allocated, but my pension shows no sign of increase. Sitting at £119.51 which it was when I started this a month ago. Either they haven’t recalculated my pension to allow for the additional years added, or I was advised incorrectly… Another phone call on Monday…

      • Mike Rawson says:

        Sorry to hear that, Erith. Let us know what they say.

        • Erith says:

          Hi Mike, I left a note on a February state pension post. On chasing in November I was told to request a new estimate, which I did. Still no increase. I chased again a couple of weeks ago. It would appear I was incorrectly advised – in my specific circumstances, the back payment had no effect, but moving forward, if I make payments from April 2016, they will work. I have requested a refund! Just as well, I have a year or two to sort it out!

          • Mike Rawson says:

            Hi Erith,

            Yes, I remember your earlier comment.

            The way it seems to work is that there are two systems, and you are given a base pension for your contributions to the old system, then you need to make more contributions via the new system to get your pension up to the £8K pa limit.

            There was a top up-scheme for the old system, but I think you needed to be receiving your pension by April 2016. I’m surprised you were able to make top-ups that didn’t help.

            Good luck with the refund.


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Interim Report from State Pension Age Review

by Mike Rawson time to read: 9 min