7 Circles Bookshop


7 Circles Bookshop

This page includes links to all the crucial investment books that I have read, along with those I have reviewed on this blog, and a few that other people have recommended to me.

  • But let’s start with my own books.
Mike’s books

I’ve published two books to date, but there are lots more in the pipeline.

This book is intended to summarise the key findings of behavioural psychology, and to turn them into useful lessons for a Private Investor in the UK today. There are five sections:

  1. A potted history of why people are poorly suited to investment.
  2. The main biases that investors exhibit – arranged into groups in so far as this is possible.
  3. The key issues in investment which behavioural psychology can speak to.
  4. Practical steps that an investor can take to avoid being tripped up by their greatest enemy (themselves).
  5. Lists of the psychological experiments and observations of human behaviour that reveal the biases, of the biases themselves, and a final checklist of what to do about them – and what not to do.

Decumulation is just as important to investors as accumulation. But because asset managers and investment platforms haven’t yet worked out how to monetise it properly, you don’t see as much written about it.

I find this strange because spending money in retirement is actually much harder. This book aims to make things a lot easier. There are nine sections:

  1. How money works
  2. How much is enough?
  3. The changing pensions landscape
  4. The State Pension
  5. Company pensions
  6. DC pensions
  7. Withdrawal rates
  8. Case studies
  9. Retiring abroad
Mike’s favourites
The Market Wizards Series

Market Wizards by Jack Schwager

The New Market Wizards

Stock Market Wizards

Hedge Fund Market Wizards

Rob Carver

Smart Portfolios

Leveraged Trading

Systematic Trading

Expected Returns

Expected Returns by Antti Ilmanen

Tall Tales

The Big Short by Michael Lewis

More Money Than God by Sebastian Mallaby

Accounting for Growth by Terry Smith

Oldies but Goodies

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by “Edwin Lefevre” (Jesse Livermore)

One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch

Books studied on 7 Circles
Simple Approaches to Investing

Investing Demystified by Lars Kroijer

Smarter Investing by Tim Hale

DIY Financial Advisor by Wes Gray, Jack Vogel and David Foulke

Interviews and Anthologies

Just One Thing, edited by John Mauldin

Free Capital by Guy Thomas

Trend Following

The Little Book of Trading by Michael Covel

The Complete Turtle Trader by Michael Covel

How to Own the World by Andrew Craig


The Idle Investor by Edmund Shing

Trading for a Living by Alexander Elder

The Naked Trader by Robbie Burns

Winning spread betting strategies by Malcolm Pryor

Box Trading Systems

Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets by Stan Weinstein

Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard by Mark Minervini

UK Stock-Pickers

Invest in the Best by Keith Ashworth-Lord

How to Pick Quality Shares by Phil Oakley

Selecting Shares that Perform by Richard Koch and Leo Gough

UK Commentators

The Sceptical Investor by John Stepek

The Art of Execution by Lee Freeman-Shor

Taming the Lion by Richard Farleigh

US Commentators

The Most Important Thing by Howard Marks

The Little Book of Stock Market Profits by Mitch Zacks

Required Reading

High Returns from Low Risk by Pim van Vliet and Jan de Koning

Excess Returns by Frederik Vanhaverbeke


The Little Book of Behavioural Investing by James Montier

Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely


23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism, by Ha-Joon Chang


The End of Alchemy by Mervyn King

The Rise of The Robots by Martin Ford

Other popular books

How to Make Money in Stocks by William O’Neil

The Little Book That Still Beats The Market by Joel Greenblatt

Dual Momentum Investing by Gary Antonacci

Behavioural Finance by James Montier

The Zulu Principle by Jim Slater

Beyond the Zulu Principle

Investment Made Easy by Jim Slater

The Way of the Turtle by Curtis Faith

Trend Following by Michael Covel

The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

Beat The Dealer by Ed Thorp

A Man for All Markets by Ed Thorp

The Cult of Statistical Significance by Stephen T. Ziliak and Deirdre N. McCloskey