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Hi Mike,
What about a SIPP. Non Earners can pay £3600 (£2880 net) £720 immediate gain. IHT exempt under trust. Right time of year to cover 2 tax years and get £7200 invested for price of £5760. My wife and I do this every year to mitigate IHT for benefits of children/grandchildren.
That’s a good question. You’re right that SIPPs for your children can be an efficient way to pass money to your kids, if you’re happy to part with the money while you’re alive.
But SIPPs only work for people under 75 (only they can open one and only they can pass one on tax-free), and the focus of this series of posts is my mother-in-law, who is 83. We want to work out how she can minimise IHT rather than give the money away while she is alive (which would still be taxable if she died within the following seven years).
Her daughter is an adult, earning and contributing to her own SIPP. Additionally my mother-in-law has no income from which to make SIPP contributions safely (without them being potentially subject to IHT).
And then there are other people, myself included, who have filled their SIPPs and need an alternative solution.