Copy Trader Diversification
Today’s post looks at diversifying across traders we will copy on eToro.
Today’s post looks at diversifying across traders we will copy on eToro.
Today’s post looks at selecting traders to copy on eToro.
Today’s post is another look – after a gap of six and a half years – at social trading.
Today’s post an update to an article from a couple of years ago, where we looked for cheap ETFs in order to construct the cheapest possible passive portfolios.
Today’s post is a quick catch-up with the Bonkers Portfolio, which we last looked at in January.
In the wake of recent volatility, we look at a market-neutral strategy for active investing.
After catching up with the SGAP and the Piggyback portfolios in recent weeks, today it’s the turn of the Bonkers Portfolio.
Today’s post discusses how best to implement the Multi-Asset Trend-Following System (MATS) from Edmund Shing’s book The Idle Investor.
Today’s post is about using Stockopedia for Momentum Screening.
Bonkers / Spread Betting / Sectors
by Mike Rawson · Published January 24, 2018 · Last modified March 1, 2018
Today’s post is a long-overdue update on the construction of a Tech stocks portfolio.
Today’s report is an update on the sorely neglected Bonkers portfolio.
It’s time for another update on the Bonkers Portfolio, a momentum portfolio which is now more than a year old.
If you want something done right, do it yourself.