Stock Screeners
This is the master page for our articles on stock screeners.
- It contains links to the articles on each of the screens, and also links to the monthly screen output pages (starting from December 2018).
Screens are grouped according to the style (Growth, Value, Quality, Momentum etc) they most closely resemble.
The screens are intended to be used in aggregate, rather than one at a time:
- No style works in all market conditions, so it’s a good idea to use multiple approaches.
- Each screen is quite tightly defined, so is unlikely to return enough stocks from which to construct a portfolio (ideally 30 or so).
Momentum screens
- Stan Weinstein Stage System
- Composite Momentum Screens (Price and Earnings)
- New Highs
Defensive / Dividend screens
- John Kingham (UK Value Investor)
- Compound Income Scores (Jamie)
- Defensive Dividend Stock Screen #3
- FTSE-100 Defensives
Growth / GARP
Quality / QARP
Low Volatility
Other screens
- Stockopedia meta screens
- Arnott Alternative Indexing: 1 and 2
- Mythical Stocks (Stock Ranks)
The monthly output pages
Pages will appear here from December 2018.