Safe AIM Stocks 4 – AIM IHT Portfolio Construction

AIM IHT Portfolio
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2 Responses

  1. Robert Tucker says:

    Excellent work. Thank you, I had ploughed a similar furrow to derive an AIM list for inheritance Tax purposes. Unfortunately I didn’t come across your site until I had completed my effort. Yours is a much better thought through list, I’m afraid I used much more of a scatter gun approach without conducting comprehensive research into each company – I took the view that the “Experts” must know what they are doing and found myself investing in companies like Autins. On the bright side, the experts have sufffred greater losses than my portfolio. Whereas your decision to include Haward Tyler was a masterstroke. Well done. Thank you for a very helpful Financial advice e site for the individual investor. Just one observation to make, in one of your AIM portfolios you had indicated that you would remove shares that had experienced a 15% loss – isn’t volatiliity greater than 15% to be expected in an AIM share?

    • Mike Rawson says:

      Thanks for the kind words.

      Yes, > 15% volatility is common. It’s a bit different with an IHT portfolio, but in general you should sell at between 15% and 20% down.

      Even with IHT portfolios, you can sell and rollover into another AIM stock without losing the tax relief.

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Safe AIM Stocks 4 – AIM IHT Portfolio Construction

by Mike Rawson time to read: 2 min