SigNet Slides 2 – 7 Circles Overview

Big Picture Investors

Today’s post contains some more slides from a presentation that I gave to the London Branch of SigNet back in October.


SigNet is the Serious Investors Network.

  • They’ve been around for twenty or thirty years as a loose national association between a series of local groups organised along similar lines.

Annual membership costs £25, and that entitles you to attend as many local meetings as you wish.

  • If you live in London, where there are several groups, this can be quite good value.

On top of that you need to pay for a meal, as this is usually the basis on which the venue – often a room above a pub – was obtained for free.

  • As the last meeting I attended, the whip round for lunch and a coffee was £15 a head.

If there’s any money left over at the end of the year, it usually goes behind the bar at the end of the December meeting.

A typical meeting agenda includes:

  1. A review of everyone’s trades since the last meeting.
  2. A couple of presentations, sometimes from group members, other times from external people.
  3. A detailed analysis of a stock that someone is thinking about buying.

There are no presentations from companies, and it’s not an investment club in the original sense of pooled money being invested as one.

  • It’s more of a social club for people interested in stocks – a nice day out.
Me & SigNet

I joined Signet in late 2016, after attending the London Investor Show.

  • I went to around 20 meetings of two of the London groups (one daytime, one evening) before deciding not to renew my membership after the February 2018 meeting.

I felt that the recent retirement of the founder was an opportunity to bring the practices of the group up to date, but they instead reaffirmed their commitment to the original principles.

I kept bumping into Ray, the new chairman, and eventually I persuaded him that I should explain to the group why I left.

My presentation

My presentation was a long one (90 slides).

Since my blog posts are an average of 1,500 words and are designed to be read mostly in five or six minutes, I have divided the slides into sections:

  1. Big Picture Investors
  2. Overview of 7 Circles
  3. It’s Good To Talk
  4. Psychology
  5. Decumulation
7 Circles Overview

The section deals with what the 7 Circles consist of, and what else you can find on the site.

  • It will be more useful to a new visitor than to someone who has been reading the articles for years.

The slides are below this section.

  • If there’s anything you don’t understand, or there’s stuff you disagree with, let me know in the comments below and I’ll try to sort things out.

You can enlarge the slide viewing window by clicking on the broken box icon to the bottom right.

  • I’ve added a slowish time out to advance the slides, but if you want to go more quickly, use the right arrow to he bottom left.
  • You can go back and pause with the controls next to that.

Until next time.

See also:  Moving to Portugal

Mike is the owner of 7 Circles, and a private investor living in London. He has been managing his own money for 40 years, with some success.

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SigNet Slides 2 – 7 Circles Overview

by Mike Rawson time to read: 2 min