Join our sub-reddit for UK Private Investors!

Our Sub-Reddits – latest posts

This was originally the page to look for the latest posts in the UKFinanceOver30 sub-reddit, but now we have two subreddits.

Both sub-reddits largely consist of links to blog posts, usually from UK blogs but also from international blogs when the article is relevant to UK investors.

You can see posts from UKFinanceOver30 in the left hand column below, and posts from UK_FIRE_and_Frugal on the right hand side.

If you don’t know what reddit is, we explain everything here.


This sub-reddit tries to cover the ground between starting out with index funds and becoming a full-time day-trader.

It’s aimed at private investors in the UK with a long-term investment horizon – anything that matters to these people is fair game.


This sub-reddit covers three subjects from a UK perspective:

  • Financial Independence
  • Retiring Early
  • Being frugal

There are other UK sub-reddits for FIRE and Frugal, but they don’t usually feature links to blogs.

Reddit UKFinanceOver30

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Fire and Frugal Button Naut

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