7 Circles - your heavenly path through investment hell

Do the math

A♥ — Do The Math

Do The Math – the 1st thing that you need to do is work out how much money you will need in the future. Then you can put together a plan to get there.

Portfolio Tracking Spreadsheet

Portfolio Tracking Spreadsheet, part 3

In our search for a portfolio tracking spreadsheet, we look at Richard Beddard’s Share Sleuth sheet, recently upgraded to an ‘investment decision engine’

Poprtfolio Tracking Spreadsheet

Portfolio Tracking Spreadsheet, part 2

We continue down the path of putting together a portfolio tracking spreadsheet by looking at six candidates to be the foundation of our sheet.

Future of Pensions

The Future of Pensions

Today we’re going to look at the government’s consultation paper on tax relief and the future of pensions – "strengthening the incentive to save".

Weekly Roundup, 28th July 2015

Weekly Roundup, 28th July 2015

Weekly Roundup for the UK Private Investor – gold, income investing, P2P, buy-to-let, farmland, angels, bonds, minimum wage, tech boom, Enron.

Limits to Growth

Limits to Growth

We look at the limits to growth – can the economy keep on growing for ever, or will we hit some natural constraints?