Category: Passive & Assets

Average returns

Waiting for Average Returns

Today’s post is about a report from Crestmont Research, which warns investors not to expect historical average returns in the future.

bond ladder

Build your own Bond Ladder

Today we’re going to look at how you can build your own bond ladder. Is this a good option for private investors?

asset classes

All About Asset Classes

We look at the characteristics of the various asset classes, and build a portfolio for the UK private investor moving towards financial independence.

robo advisers

Robo Advisors – Any Good Ones Yet?

We catch up with ready made portfolios, looking at three new robo advisors and comparing them to the three from last time. Do any beat DIY investing?

Stamps and Coins

Stanley Gibbons — Stamps and Coins

Are Stamps and Coins viable alternative assets for the private investor in the UK? We look at the products offered by Stanley Gibbons to find out.