7 Circles - your heavenly path through investment hell

Reforming UK Share Ownership

Reforming UK Share Ownership

We look at a report from the Shareholders Society on Reforming UK Share Ownership to restore full shareholder rights to private investors

Weekly Roundup, 28th April 2015

Weekly Roundup, 28th April 2015

Weekly Roundup for the UK Private Investor: China and Japan, inequality, active vs passive, flash crash, junk bonds and Grexit

Weekly Roundup, 21st April 2015

Weekly Roundup, April 21st 2015

Weekly Roundup for the UK Private Investor: election and the markets, takeover boom, shale oil proves resilient, wine investing and P2P in SIPPs.

Weekly Roundup 23

Weekly Roundup, 14th April 2015

Weekly Roundup for the UK Private Investor: pensions vs earnings, VCT demand, property turnover, slow growth, US crowdfunding and income redistribution.

ETF Portfolio

ETF Portfolio – John Redwood

We take the first step towards an ETF portfolio by looking at the portfolio run by John Redwood of Evercore Pan-Asset for the Finanical Times.

Weekly Roundup 22

Weekly Roundup, 7th April 2015

Weekly Roundup for the UK Private Investor: election jitters, US corporate profits, booming art market, asset class returns, sovereign wealth funds & QE.