Category: Tools

Portfolio Tracking Spreadsheet

Portfolio Tracking Spreadsheet, part 3

In our search for a portfolio tracking spreadsheet, we look at Richard Beddard’s Share Sleuth sheet, recently upgraded to an ‘investment decision engine’

Poprtfolio Tracking Spreadsheet

Portfolio Tracking Spreadsheet, part 2

We continue down the path of putting together a portfolio tracking spreadsheet by looking at six candidates to be the foundation of our sheet.

Rate of Return

Rate of Return – Time is not Money

We take a look at Rate of Return: time- and money-weighted, what’s best for fund managers and private investors, and how to tell if you’re adding value.

Stockopedia 3

Stockopedia at the London Investor Show 2014

The first presentation in the main auditorium at the London Investor Show was by Edward Page-Croft from Stockopedia, a company which sells subscriptions to a stock-screening and ranking service. Most…