7 Circles - your heavenly path through investment hell

Robots and Capitalism

Holiday Reading – Robots and Capitalism

I’m on holiday this week, so instead of the usual weekly roundup of the most interesting stories in economics and personal finance, I’m going to tell you about the books I’ve taken away to read. Normal service will resume nest week.

AIM 100

Safe AIM Stocks 3 – AIM 100 2016

Last week we looked at AIM IHT planning from the bottom-up, using magazine articles and asset manager reports. Today we look at the AIM 100 for 2016.

Larry Benedict

Larry Benedict – Beyond Three Strikes

We look at Larry Benedict from Market Wizards as part of our ‘Guru’ series – successful investor profiles with takeaways for the UK private investor.


Budget – Elements 1

This post is part of the Investing Elements series about all the things you need to take control of your financial life. Today’s topic is your Budget.